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Another thing I forgot to mention was on the backward compatibility; apparently the Nintendo’s new console will be able to play the games from past consoles such as GC, N64, SNES, and yes NES. I belive this feature shall intrigue many people out there and could possibly lead to what I call “New Classics” so look forward to that. For now I have to seriously catch some shut eye E3 will be here soon enough.
Aries Says:April 26th, 2005 at 4:41 pmHere you go:Brooke got some things right, but much of it is flawed. I don’t know whether he just made up a lot of that stuff, because many of the points have been disproven before. For instance, Game Informer wrote an article on the next generation consoles in which it claims the Revolution’s controller will have one giant touch screen. I’m thinking this is where Brooke got that idea. The Revolution will not have a touch screen. Iwata has stated this before. The controller will be quite normal in the sense that it will have a d-pad and buttons. Like I said, I’m not going to tell you the revolutionary aspect of the system. Nintendo has some cool pre E3 plans for that.Revolution will have gyroscopic controls, but like Brooke said, not all the games will use it. For instance, earlier I mentioned Nintendo has a Halo killer in development for the Revolution. This game will use the gyroscopic controls for aiming as wel as other things. Our game isn’t using this function.The controller will be wireless; he’s right about that. As you also know, the Xbox 360’s controllers will be wireless as well. Where do you think they got this idea? That’s why Nintendo is still trying to determine what to show at E3. From what I’ve heard, they will show the design of the system as well as games. I’ll tell you about the software later though.The controller will also be pressure sensitive. The pressure you put into it will determine certain things, such as movement. This is another optional capibility. Someone on Nintendo’s board mentioned this months ago. They said that “touching is good, but feeling is better.” This may sound strange, but it provides great controls. Racing games will really be helped by this control setting.The Nintendo Revolution will also include voice control more advanced than anything seen so far. Nintendogs is just the beginning. To achieve this, Nintendo sent us headsets (similar to ones you can use for Xbox Live) that are wirelessless communicating with the console. Imagine being able to merely call for an airstrike or reload your gun by giving out commands orally. So far, we have put this feature to the test the most; as you can see, I’m excited over this feature.From a graphical perspective, the Nintendo Revolution is very powerful. Many people seem to think this won’t be the case, but rest assured. The games I saw while working at Nintendo were very beautiful. I’ll tell you about those later.As Nintendo has stated before, the system will be online. In my eyes, the online system they have set up is the most revolutionary part of the system. While Sony and Microsoft are busy turning their systems into trojan horses for their other electronic devices, Nintendo is going to use the Revolution for direct communication with gamers. The only way I can describe it is as an internet service. Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution’s homepage. As you check you mail, you will also see various invitations from gamers on your buddy list who want to play you. There are so many other ways this is going to be used. Once the Revolution comes out, there will be no reason to hang out on message boards. Message boards as well as chat rooms will be available on the Revolution so that gamers can discuss and challenge each other all day. And the best thing is that the entire thing is totally free and easy to use. Why play Madden on Xbox Live when you’ll be able to play it for free on the Revolution with much better services?That’s all I’m going to reveal for now. There are some very interesting games in the horizon for the Revolution; I’ll talk about them later.Quote:Aries Says:April 26th, 2005 at 5:04 pmLike Brooke said, console ideas are nothing without good games. Once you see the games, you will understand. I would go as far to say that the Revolution isn’t as revolutionary as Nintendo is saying. It should be called the Nintendo Simplicity, because every aspect I mentioned greatly simplifies the gaming experience. For instance, the pressure sensitive grips on the controller make racing games much easier to control and play. Wave Race (yes, it will be at E3) is going to be very impressive because it will use this function. It will be sort of like controlling a game with one of those stress balls. You squeeze it and you go faster. It’s hard to explain though.Don’t expect to see too much if any of the controller at E3 though. Nintendo is still trying to decide what to show and what not to show. The games will be revealed, as well as specs and the system design. But the controller is still being considered.To Jesus: when you see the voice controls, you will be blown away. Go back and watch some sci fi movies with voice controlled vehicles (such as AI or I am Robot).Quote:# Aries Says:April 26th, 2005 at 2:14 pmYou guys are still talking about the 3D angle of that article? Check the date of the patent in question. This has already been used in a game that’s out right now. I would suggest you pay attention to IGN or N-Sider more.Like I said, I’m going to give out some details on the next gen hardware, especially the Nintendo Revolution. You guys already know a lot of information on the Xbox 360; you guys have already seen the specs of the system. Gamespy released them around GDC. I was at GDC, and I’ll fill you in on some stuff that IGN can’t talk about. Specs and details on the Nintendo Revolution were given out to developers during the conference. I can verify that my company as well as EA and Midway received them at GDC. I’m positive other publishers received them as well.From what I’ve heard, Capcom and Namco are sold on the Revolution and are currently playing around with the development kits. I don’t know whether they are actually making games for it though. I was suprised to hear that Square Soft has a game in development for the Revolution. It will be at E3 as well as some other next gen titles for the PS3.I’m currently working on a game for the Revolution as well. I can’t guarantee that it will be at E3 though. I think people are going to be very suprised. When I worked with Nintendo, I was able to see the earliest builds of the system. It has come a long way, to say the least. There are a lot of graphics whores out there who feel the Revolution will be a weak system. They will be very suprised come E3. Microsoft is banking on stealing the show, but I think they will be upstaged by Nintendo as well as Sony. It’s going to be very funny to see them trying to get people excited about Perfect Dark 0 when both Nintendo and Sony will be showing off Halo killers.Quote:# Aries Says:April 26th, 2005 at 3:28 pmI’m not going to share specs with you because they aren’t really that important. I think Iwata said something like that when asked the same question. All three consoles are going to be very powerful, trust me. I’ll give you some information though: it will be more powerful than the Xbox 360. Much more powerful. Many gamers seem to think it will be as powerful as the GBA or something. That isn’t the case at all. From what I saw during my time their as well as our game, it will be very capible.But having the most powerful console doesn’t guarantee that gamers are going to buy it. Software sells the games. And if that statement holds true next generation, the Nintendo Revolution will be very popular.In my next post I will “spill the beans” on everything I know about the Revolution. I’ll give you some hints though. All the rumors out there are not mere rumors. Some are planted by people who are working on the consoles. In fact, Nintendo is doing this right now with the information they’ve released on the Revolution. You are going to see why Nintendo hasn’t just come out and said confirmed that the Revolution is going to be very powerful. You’re going to be punk’d by them in a couple weeks. Pay attention to the boards, especially Nintendo’s board. It’s much better than OurColony.Quote:Aries Says:April 27th, 2005 at 6:10 amSiliconKnights is not developing for the Nintendo Revolution right now. Theywill show off some Xbox 360 games at E3; I can confirm that. Matt sawthe game, and he knows what they are up to. Once he is able to talkabout it, he will reveal his information to you.Like I said, Iknow as much about Resident Evil 5 as you do. I would guess it is goingto be a current generation game. If Capcom could have it ready for theholidays (to combat the Xbox 360), it would come out then. But that’sjust my own speculation (and hope; RE4 is amazing).I canconfirm that Nintendo is currently working on many Revolution titles.Most are just in the planning stages, but I have seen video of seven.I’m sure at least three or four of these games will be at E3 in videoform. Perhaps more; we will see at E3. Outside of our game, there aresix 3rd party games that I have heard of. As I mentioned earlier,Square Enix (happy now?) is developing a new game for the Revolution.EA, Sega, Zoonami, Namco, and Activision are currently working on games.3rd party information:EAis playing around with the Revolution’s capibilities, implementing theminto another Madden game. This isn’t really news though. From what I’veheard, they are really going out of their way to make this more thanjust a port. Voice controls are being used to the max in this title.Calling out audibles will be used this way. The wireless capibilitiesof the system are also going to be used. Like I said, there will be noreason to buy Madden for the Xbox 360 when the Revolution version comesout.Sega is developing three games for the Revolution thatshould be at E3. I’m not going to reveal too much on what they are upto for obvious reasons. The three games I listed does not include thegame we are developing for them. You will be very suprised at what theyare doing. I’m sure you have heard of the Xbox 360 title Condemned thatthey are working on. This game is something that many wouldn’t expectSega to make; you won’t expect what you will see at E3. The other gamethey have is a typical, quirky Sega game. It’s very interesting in thesense that it uses all the system’s capibilities.Zoonami hasalready given out some hints on what they are working on. I have alwaysfelt that Sam Fisher is a much better character than Solid Snake.Zoonami just might have some characters that are better than both ofthem.Namco is working on a Revolution game, but I don’t havedetails on it. I am sure that it is not a Soul Caliber III port. Idon’t see why they just won’t add online play and Link and Ganon to thegame and release it as a launch title. That would be a very smart move.Activisionis working on some ports for the Revolution. You will see what theyhave for the Xbox 360 at E3. At least one of these games will be portedto the Revolution for its launch.On 1st party information:LikeI said, I have seen seven Nintendo titles, some of which will be at E3.When the DS was launced, it had one sub par 1st party game. This willnot be the case with the Revolution’s launch. If they were to releaseall the games I’ve seen at launch, it would easily be the best launchever for a console.I can confirm that Nintendo is working on anew, orignal Mario game. In my opinion, the last few Miyamoto gameshavn’t been that interesting. This will change with this game. LikeMario 64 for the N64, this game will introduce all of the capibilitiesof the console. It will use the pressure sensitive controls mainly, butthe voice controls as well as gyroscopic controls will be used as well.From what I saw, this game will use mini games to introduce many ofthese schemes. All of these mini games could be released as stand alonegames.A new Super Smash Bros. Melee is in the works as well.This game will demonstrate the online functions of the Revolution.Nintendo has added many new things into the game, included a deepercombat system. Many more special moves are included as well as somevery cool suprises. The levels will include some destructibleenvironments, and the characters will be fully customizable. Want toplay as Mario in his 80’s outfit? Or would you prefer the 90’s look?It’s your choice. The most innovative part of the game is the differentmodes. In previous games, you were allowed to play in giant mode, metalmode, small mode, etc. That has changed. You will be able to choose toplay in a “Paper” mode (a la Paper Mario), a cel shaded mode (WindWaker), or Viewtiful Joe-esque mode.
Originally posted by RazorIf you can download games, I would get Lylat Wars. Oh the warm feeling.
Originally posted by DragonBlazeHmm, downloading old nintendo games from various systems would be interesting, but its not anything that you can't do right now for free with your computer. I buy a lot of old games for 50 cents, then put them on my computer so its legal, it would be the same for the revolution, exept you would have to buy the system.Its a cool perk to buying the system, but the feature isn't worth buying the revolution over the xbox 360 or ps3.
Actually, that whole "Must own the cartirdge" law is COMPLETELY FALSE. Roms are 100% illegal. wning the cartridge and deleting it 24 hours after are stupid misinterpretations of the law that Nintendo made clear were false a long time ago.
Originally posted by OsmoseActually, that whole "Must own the cartirdge" law is COMPLETELY FALSE. Roms are 100% illegal. wning the cartridge and deleting it 24 hours after are stupid misinterpretations of the law that Nintendo made clear were false a long time ago. But, having realised also long ago that they have no weapons to stop the flow of roms across the internet, they have stopped throwing money at tracking down sites.