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Originally posted by Dragonchick93lol ur an aries? because im an aries too but thats besides the point.well the girl named aries is the sign of aries the ram in horoscopes it is soposed to mean the same thing but the girls reel name is Hitomi
Originally posted by Dragoniumquote:Originally posted by True EvilVisceraHankLazloViktorJohnJonesSillsHaschelDartKongolLavitzAlbertGo for either one of those. Though personally, Dyke sounded good to me. Well, sorta...
quote: Originally posted by samus the fighter Aries! you cant call someone that! that is from final fantasy 7 jeez
You don't know anything about the Zodiac, do you? Aeries originally is a constellation, not some chick from FF7.