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Originally posted by plightofthepurebloodWell......I mean, the whole concept you got going has some strong clichee working in it.......Usually, clichee is done so poorly.....I dont hate clichee, I hate when people cant do it RIGHT, you know?Some peole are bound to carve it, but I think despite the clichee elements, it seems to be that youve thought out a pretty solid history for your gameworld.....and Im a strong believer in explaining everything.....I hate when there are just races that of course, know magic.....or Every so often a warrior is born in every bloodline.....Youve mixed a very traditional idea, and detailed the hell out of it my mind....If I have a clear picture, than you have a clearer one.....Im interested in seeing the isometric graphics.....If theyre done right, it will kick....if sloppy, it will lack......And of course Youre going to need some hardcore characters happening.....and some symbolic conflict.....One tip Id have, is try and find an alternative to just hitting up a series of towns, untill the world is conquered and the bossfight begins....I will rate as such......For Detail, Im giving you 4/5 "freemans"For Innovation to the RPG world...."1/5" "freemans"Every other field imaginable, Im flunking you on untill I see screenshots