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I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post above.
I've never really had a gun/bomb thing at my school, but that's 'cos I'm in the UK, I think.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Good luck, hope you don't die!
Originally posted by Omegadestroyer7i think we should try these people as adults so an example will be made and less kids would do this, it is crap, and i know kids who i wouldnt be the least bit surprised if they brought guns to my school, not that they are crazy, they are just really (expletive deleted) up
Originally posted by carmenOKay, I love how we do exactly what people want. By remembering columbine we do exactly what those farts wanted. we remember. And you know what, I'm not going to take part in doing what they wanted, instead I will not think on it at all, forget it, and forget them, if they knew that was going to happen, they wouldn't have done it in the first place. I'm sick of empty threats and cheap talk. If I were to shoot up a school, I wouldn't tell a soul, I'd go in without warning and mow everyone down. But kids are stupid. So I will not touch on the subject any longer. School shootings...bah, how weak, how easy, I'd like them to waltz into a police station and try shooting that up. ^_^
Originally posted by Rune_of_PunishmentTo those who say that this only happens in America and you are glad you don't live here, get your heads out of your asses. Sorry to say, but things like this can happen anywhere. You all make America sound bad, when it's really not. I hate it when people look at the bad and think that that is what the country is like, but that's the simple and easy way to think about things. And I don't see why people are so afraid of dying. Death is inevitable, you will die in the future anyway, so what's the point in fearing it? Are you afraid of going to Hell? Are you afraid that you won't have repented for any sins? Well, I've got news for you. If you have lived an honest life, then you should have nothing to worry about. Seriously, no one is perfect and we were never intended to be. Death is something that happens, but hardly anyone cares when someone else dies. But when death begins to stare you in the face, you get clammy, hoping that you aren't a victim, but you feel relieved when you don't die. It's selfish and cowardly to not wish death upon yourself over other people. Sorry, I'm just irritated.