New forum theme up and running!
Originally posted by ~Calvern~Lol, hey, be nice. Im officially a new as well trust me, this guy knows a lot more than me at making games
Originally posted by maxinehahahha omfg.... yeah. A game with 999 would be fun too play... And why do you have same monster group several times?
Originally posted by Pythissimple solution name you game Final Fantasy: The mellenium Blade, Excalibur or Final Fantasy: Blade of Beginnings, Excalibur or Final Fantasy: Enter Excalibur OR Final Fantasy: Sephiroth's Excalibur
Originally posted by lan-the phoenix holderthis is a very weird Ide a but the chipset does nto even look like midgar and I know you hate CLoud so you would problay Make him Die in the game and Also I don't know how to make items disapear.