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Benzoyl Peroxide
Originally posted by shinotebasiiackhOk, this is a time-honored and proven tradition.First you buy one of those "john doe" lawn mowers.Then, you must, (and this is important) take off all your clothes and put on a grass skirt, shoes on your hands, high heels on your feet, and a lampshade on your head.hold a hammer between your teeth and drive the lawn mower into town.Once you're in town, find a very crowded area. Drive into the crowded area and start taking apart the lawn mower with the hammer you have in your teeth.Once you finish taking it apart, jerk your head to the left and fling the hammer at whoever's closest to you.Now, just dance around the lawn mower parts singing "BAAEEBEE BALOOOGA!" over and over again.Stop when it rains for three days straight. Or when you get arrested. Which ever comes first.In the very likely case that you're arrested, they'll throw you in an insane asylum. And no one cares how much acne you have when you're locked up in a sound proof cell!
Originally posted by Dragonchick93i know to much cleanlyness
Originally posted by MrMisterquote:Originally posted by Dragonchick93i know to much cleanlynessNO YOU DON'T. YOU'RE TWELVE.SHUT UP.Come back in two years.Yeah, you nerds and your acne.It was never a problem for me, I shower. With soap.Try soap.