New forum theme up and running!
I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post above.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Originally posted by coasterkrazyEDIT: Hmm... you know I don't really actually think today is his birthday.
Originally posted by Meiscoolquote:Originally posted by coasterkrazyEDIT: Hmm... you know I don't really actually think today is his birthday.No, how'd you guess dat one lol? I tried to pull off what Ace did and make it seem like I wasn't born yet but I guess I should've choosen a later date, I did it on new year's eve.But, it is nice to know that you all love me so much.And, you were close on the 30th part, only 21 away.