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Originally posted by Ace of SpadesWell, I like it when the main hero developes throughout the game. By this I mean change in personality because of hardships, relations with others and so on. For example, in my game Ace is spoiled, selfish, uncaring and lazy (with things he doesn't want to do at least). But, as the story progresses, because of things he faces his character changes. That's the kind of hero I like, someone who changes because of what happens to them. If the hero is automatically like "I am gonna save the world because it's the right thing to do and I should do it!" or something stupid like that, and that same attitude applies throughout the whole game, then the character is really flat. It's kinda like the arogant badass character, who stands alone. This character almost always changes the way he acts, whether it be because of a person or an event, this character's change is usually expected. If he stays a jerk the whole game, people usually get sick of him. Anyyyway... characters who have good personalities, ones where they actually have emotions instead of "omg save the worldz!!!11." Those are what I like.
Originally posted by coasterkrazyI like, your description, Almeida! Very clever approach if you ask me.Anyway, I think, like some people here, that the main hero shouldn't really be a "hero" at all. Like in my game I'm trying to make the two main characters not really heroic at all. They are normal people. And just because one's a guy and one's a girl DOESN'T MEAN THEY FALL IN LOVE!!! But cliches are another story, although they kinda tie into this. Like the hero always having some weapon of meaning. To me, it's just a weapon. You use it for self-defense or to attack if need be. My kind of hero doesn't have some fantastic weapon, but rather just something he/she uses to fight. Also, I like the main character to be normal, and not some great being or lowlife in one way or another with changed ways (yeah, I know that second one is popular and all, but I feel like I've seen it a lot). Like, Carmen said, I like to be able to relate to the hero. Which is also why I dislike games that are of that classic final fantasy medieval era. Even if it's a normal medieval life, I can't feel the hero as much.
ZKXl......They're stick figures. How much can you relate??? "I have no digits......... HE'S JUST LIKE ME!" XD
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBladeNot to say EarthBound sucked or anything, mind you.
Originally posted by ZeroKirbyXDude, how can a game with a guy named Poo AND pull it off NOT be good? XD
Originally posted by carmenwell. to put it in two words:Conflict. Sacrifice.Now what makes one "just" in this theory is if the effort is put towards a common good and not a selfish one.
Originally posted by Linkforcequote:Originally posted by shinotebasiiackhA hero shouldn't be a 'hero'.A hero should be a normal person who is pushed into a conflict and is forced to be 'heroic' That's actually a really good point. But...I can be forced to save a cat from a tree. That doesn't make me a Hero. It was a conflict where I had to be heroic...but I'm not really a Hero. Get it?
I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post above.