New forum theme up and running!
SUAll I know is that the new Prime Minister of Canada's name begins with an H, ends with an R and is 6 letters long...Heil Harper... *rolls eyes... *** nazi
Now, if we had COMPUTERS running our governments...
The Chinese knock off of Meiscol 2.0 - Iamcool! Teaches kids good sentence structure, and how to share!
Originally posted by DjankiI know people aren't going to take this seriously, but take a look at Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In one scene, there's a guy telling Authur that there's no king--the people are all doing the work, and settle everything in bi-weekly meetings. They chose someone to be leader of the meetings for two weeks, etc. I know, its sorta like Democracy, but it sounds pretty good! Unfortunantly, it's only possible for small populations.
CharamanAs for what you said abot emotionless compueters, have you ever seen 2001: A Space Odyssey? haha.
DjankiQuoteMeNow, if we had COMPUTERS running our governments...There's another flaw with that. Somebody has to control that computer--you know, maintenance and stuff. He could program that computer to his will.
MeNow, if we had COMPUTERS running our governments...
Originally posted by DragonBlazeCommunism sucks. Everything is equally distributed among everyone, sounds good, but its not. A doctor would make the same as someone who works at mcdonalds. What insentive would there be to be a doctor then? No one will want to go into that field. And with communism, all production is controlled by the state, meaning there willbe very little variety in products, there will be fewer inovations, and everything will be crap. Take russia for example when it used to be communists, they had two varieties of cars to choose from, both sucked.