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Old Game Discussion
Mystic Legends - Symphony of the Goddess/Rebirth
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Topic: Mystic Legends - Symphony of the Goddess/Rebirth (Read 3810 times)
Skie Fortress
Posts: 44
Mystic Legends - Symphony of the Goddess/Rebirth
April 17, 2006, 06:56:28 PM »
Ha ha...I got bored and impatient, so I'm making a preview topic for my game...again...
Long ago, all the great Kingdoms of the earth clashed in a great and terrible war that shook the very core of the earth. there were three major kingdoms took place in this war. There was Vaneer, The aggressors, they started the war, intent on taking the other territories. Next was Lumina, the Kingdom of Mages and Priests, they entered the war, for the sole purpose of defending themselves. And Eltia, the neutral Kingdom that was driven away by Vaneer, but counter-attacked. Nearly all of mankind was destroyed in this war. All of the earth's resources were exausted and the land utterly wasted. A figure descended from the heavens. She glared down at the people before her before restoring the earth with a mere wave of her hand. when the people asked her name, she told them 'Goddess Guardia'. She then floated high above the earth and dissappeared. However witnesses say that they saw her unleash six blasts of light across the world. Many believe that was the 'Final Blessing of Guardia'.
In the present Lumina and Vaneer have been restored and the former Kingdom of Eltia have stressed limited contact with humans, althoguh they are free to move about their country. However Vaneer has been acting strangely, they seem to be preparing for war. You are Leon, a mercenary Working for the Hunter's Guild, A world reknowned Guild of mercenaries for hire. After returning from a mission you decide to head home to Lumina Castle Town for a break. When you arrive you run into your childhood friend, the Princess of Lumina, Eren. she asks you to do a job for her and that she will give you the details of your job the next day at the castle. Little did leon know that what starts out as a simple reconiassance mission will turn into so much more....
At the same time a young woman, Mai, and her partner, Naru are travelling the Garen Forest, searching for the rare nemesis craft level three. following events take Mai to the Eltia Continent where it will all begin...
CHARACTERS - The playable characters. Leon and Mai are the only Main heros that can be chosen, the rest are supporting members that come and go.
Weapon:Broad Sword/Various Elemental Blade Arts/Ice and Water Force Arts
Leon is a young mercenary, taking various jobs for a living, even if some of them aren't to his liking. He's generally pretty happy most of the time, so much in fact that some may believe that he's covering up his true feelings. He hates it when anyone makes any cracks about his skill with a sword, since it brings up bad past memories.
Weapon:Twin Daggers/Kunai/Fire Force and Nemesis Arts
Mai is a ninja nearing the completion of her training. Despite being very skilled, she is loud, annoying, and she has no problem with being mean. She also loves money and is very greedy.
Weapon:Twin Swords/Earth Force Arts/Mastery of the Blade Arts
Rod, is a skilled mercenary. he has no qualms about what he does, as long as there's money involved. He's cold, calculating, and cunning when need be. He spends most of his free time thinking in silence away from civilization or giving Leon tips on how to get better with a sword( Actually insulting his skills).
Weapon:Spears/Staves/Passive Arts
Ellis is a very young trainee from the Church of Guardia in the Lumina Kindom. She's very shy, doesn't believe in her abilities, and is slightly clumsy. You will meet her during a certain mission.
Age: 22
Weapon: Rapier/Passive Arts/ Universe and Time Blade Arts
Renai is a wandering Priest of Guardia. Nothing is known about him...except the fact that he's a According to gossip, they say he's on mission. The details are vague, but from the cryptic comments he makes it is assumed that he has some sort of association with Magdelina. If you try hard enough, he may just join you...
Age: 13
Weapon: Kodachi/Kunai/Ki techniques/ Wind Force Arts
A ninja in training. A pupil. A mere genin. Naru comes from the same village as Mai. She looks up to Mai as a big sister and hopes to be like her one day. She's not the most skilled ninja and she knows it. She's always trying hard to live up to people's expectations. She'll work with you at a certain point in the story.
Choose your hero - The player can choose to be either Leon or Mai. Both characters have different strengths and weaknesses. Playable characters that come and go, events, and some dungeons are also different. Also some towns can only be entered by Mai and vice versa
Jumping - My puzzle design skills are...hmmm, how should I put this...Horrible. My most intricate puzzle would have to be an endless corridor where you have to find the right way. Anyway I made a free jumping system to allow the player to jump in real-time and pass over crevasses and holes and so on. so expect to do a lot of jumping and switch and key finding in my dungeons.
Multiple attacking maneuvers - All characters will have multiple ways of attacking the enemy. Enemies have different kinds of resistances to different attacks, You'll have to figure out what to attack the enemy with or you'll find yorself doing 0 damage constantly if you just simply choose attack and choose whatever direction you want. Take a look at the enemy, their looks will give away what to attack with. Sometimes attacking will be totally ineffective comepletely. I think this adds a puzzle element to battles.
Spell-Break - Critical Hits. Since the multiple attack system renders the built in critical hits useless, I made a critical hit system. When 'Strike' is chosen A character may pull off a 'Spell-Break' instead of a normal maneuver. Spell-Breaks do three times the damage of a normal attacks
Overshields - This feature has been scrapped for being too simple...-_-;
In-Battle Level Up System- All experience and level up are gained solely through battle. every action you take, except defend gives you experience. When a characters EXP reaches 1000 they level up and then start all over again. During a level up LF is increased by 50 and the player has to choose between raising power or parry, and then either Knowledge or quickness. Be careful though, since the characters are pretty much the players to make, choose wisely. THAT MEANS JUST RAISING POWER AND SPEED IS NOT GOOOOD...*ahem*...
Set EP amount - All characters have only 100 EP(MP) from the beginning , it will never go higher. spells and skills take away percentages of EP so choose your skills wisely
The Skill System - The skills and Spells that characters have on hand come and go with their equipment. Mix and match equipment to fit certain situations, or your preferances
The Drain System - I mentioned this one before, but I revamped it a bit. When a character uses physical techniques their drain rate goes up by 1 point. when it reaches 5, the character falls into a state called 'drained' where all stats are halved, and physical skills, including special skills and attacks manuevers become unuseable. so all the 'drained' character will be able to do is cast spells, if available, use items, defend, and escape and the status stays with the character even after battle. The only way to cure this is to prevent it beforehand by defending, since defending reduces the drain rate by 1 and restores 50 LF and 5 EP. And if a character is already drained then stay at an inn, a campfire, or use an energy elixer to cure 'drained'.
Concerning a demo -
Demo III The Final
Remember to unrar the music folder after unraring the project.
Posts: 495
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Reply #1 on:
April 17, 2006, 07:07:41 PM »
looks good, your story is interesting, how do you get that lighting effect in caves?, is it a picture if so can you post it?
<img src="
<img src="
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<img src="
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Posts: 495
I'm Kinda Cherish,Not alot to say
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Reply #2 on:
April 17, 2006, 07:10:03 PM »
I liked this project,im dowenloading the demo rght now ^^
Yeah,I'm Back,I guess.
I Still Support Rpg Maker 2003!
Raen Ryong
Skyrunner of Dragonia
Posts: 130
Raen Ryong... Skyrunner. Dragonic Soveriegn entity...
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Reply #3 on:
April 18, 2006, 12:57:27 AM »
1) BIG flaw with the jumping system - you can actually jump through anything in the game. It is simple to navigate your maps simply by continuously using the jump key... but it is easy to fix.
Common Events, your jump event:
They make your hero pass through ANYTHING, which means that leaving them in there allows him to move through anything for the duration of the jump. He can then jump from there, and there...
2) The overlay used in your cave slows down the game... and I'm sure that it's not my computer that's slow
Since it doesn't move independently, and is just "there", you could make it activate, then turn a Switch ON which turns it off, thereby avoiding the slowdown. As you enter the map from another map, turn the switch off
3) Please could you add descriptions to all of your attacks/weapons and everything? I hate seeing empty boxes...
4) The items and enemies seem unbalanced. A salve barely heals you (~100), and a normal enemy (using Absolute Zero (sounds very powerful for the beginning of the game)) can deal in the region of 250. It takes too long to kill the enemies.
5) The maps need borders. It is very tedious looking for the right squares to teleport to the next map. In my opinion, every accessible single square on the border of a map SHOULD connect to another.
6) The forest is a bit... samey. It's not all that interesting to navigate.
7) No offence, but the game suffers in terms of grammar and spelling. Examples being (correct spellings here) emitted, manoeuvre etc.
The running system bugs up a bit. I ended up with twice the running speed... I don't see the need for a running system. Why not just have the movement speed normal?
9) The frame is a bit annoying and cuts off some of the text at times, during the intro.
10) There is not enough capitalisation where it should be, and too much where it isn't.
11) I think the monsters look kinda... crappy. That's just my opinion, though.
12) Your story's a
on the cliche side... but don't let that bother you too much. As long as you develop the storyline well, it doesn't matter at all.
13) I think the dialogue is a bit weak, but that's because it's weakened by the spelling and grammar mainly. Don't worry, everyone perceives dialogue differently.
Lol, it looks like I'm being really harsh here (perhaps I am
), but constructive criticism is more helpful than praise. In terms of praise, your battle animations are very good and nicely designed. There are other things, but I've typed enough for now!
Raen Ryong...
Skyrunner of Dragonia...
Guardian of all worlds...
Hoard and covet not, but be brave and free. Quest always after knowledge and slowly learn to know what science cannot see. Seek and strive for learning, be temperate and wise, for skill and wisdom only will help us to survive.
the keyblade master
I need scissors 61!
Posts: 179
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Reply #4 on:
April 18, 2006, 09:56:45 AM »
I really liked your game =D
hope u dont quit making it!
I would have critisized but all
has alredy been said buy the guy above
KH:TDR cp I: 100%
KHTDR cp II:45%
Raen Ryong
Skyrunner of Dragonia
Posts: 130
Raen Ryong... Skyrunner. Dragonic Soveriegn entity...
(No subject)
Reply #5 on:
April 18, 2006, 06:59:14 PM »
Don't worry, I don't hate it or anything. I think it shows promise, especially so if you address the problems above. Don't stop making it -- look at half of them: they're fairly simple problems there. None of the problems are serious enough to consider scrapping your game.
As I mentioned before, praise sounds nice, but constructive criticism helps you which in turn will mean you will receive more praise
Raen Ryong...
Skyrunner of Dragonia...
Guardian of all worlds...
Hoard and covet not, but be brave and free. Quest always after knowledge and slowly learn to know what science cannot see. Seek and strive for learning, be temperate and wise, for skill and wisdom only will help us to survive.
Skie Fortress
Posts: 44
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Reply #6 on:
April 18, 2006, 07:00:20 PM »
Oh, no, no, I appreciate the criticism. Thanks for pointing all that out. I'm sure I've taken care of some of the stuff you mentioned in the version on my as of now inacessable computer, but the rest is definantly something to look over. I'll remember to read over this again.
Posts: 66
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Reply #7 on:
April 19, 2006, 01:21:03 AM »
k...where do i download it at?
The seconds run out but nothing comes up? I dont see a "download" button.
Skie Fortress
Posts: 44
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Reply #8 on:
April 19, 2006, 06:46:06 PM »
Um, theres a link at the very bottom of the first post. If that link doesn't work then, I'm sorry. I can't really do much, unless someone else is willing to upload it elsehwere if people are having problems. I can't because my own computer's ruined at the moment.
Posts: 66
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Reply #9 on:
April 19, 2006, 07:12:37 PM »
haha, no, i got the link to work. But when i get to megaupload (or where ever it's at), the seconds runs out and then nothing happens. Maybe I'm just looking over the "download" button that's on the site. Where exactly is it?
Skie Fortress
Posts: 44
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Reply #10 on:
April 20, 2006, 06:55:21 PM »
ohhhh that. If I remember correctly, you have to click the same place where the timer was at to activate the download. I can't be too sure though...it has been awhile since I downloaded anything.
Hell Angel
Posts: 596
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Reply #11 on:
April 20, 2006, 07:18:05 PM »
Yeah, the button appears on the timer...
I'm downloading it right now. 30 MBs? What the f*ck is on it? :p
I make musics. You should listen.
Posts: 66
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Reply #12 on:
April 21, 2006, 01:57:59 AM »
ooh! I gotcha.
I just noticed that an ad would always pop up exactly where the download button was. And it looked like it was apart of the page. So basically, i couldn't see it.
I'm download it now. I'll tell you how it is after im done.
Skie Fortress
Posts: 44
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Reply #13 on:
August 03, 2006, 10:48:10 PM »
Against my better judgment, I'm posting this...It's done. The last demo of Mystic Legends is finished. There's about 30 mins- to an hour or so of gameplay for both Mai and Leon's sides, maybe more....I think. Anyways here's the link for those that are too lazy to scroll up to the first post As usual tell me if anything's wrong, bugs, what you think, etc. I'll try and take as much as I can into consideration. Without further ado.
Demo III The Final
Remember to unrar the music folder after unraring the project.
Posts: 8
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Reply #14 on:
August 05, 2006, 02:17:29 AM »
hey, I'm downloading your demo now but it seems your screenshots don't work anymore
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Old Game Discussion
Mystic Legends - Symphony of the Goddess/Rebirth