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I am leaving behind my toher projcts, and starting ont wo projects.Project 1 is secret and won;t be on Kamain so don;t youw orry about it, though it will becoem a classic.Project 2 is the one I willt lel people about. It's working title is "The Game with a Lot of Plot twists."Plotline: You are the son of Geremy Hecker, the village doctor. Your name is John Hecker. One day he sends you to get supplies, so you must go get them. SOunds short and stupid? Of course not, while you do get teh supplies do yoru dad, you have to fight a war, destroy demons, make peace treaties, fall in love, distroy the moon, and many other things. Yeah. Lots of stuff.Characters:Yeah....this will soon be posted hwne I have the characters finnished. And when some of them die.Features:1. Unique items2. Unique skills3. Ripped of graphics form other games.4. Unique war system.5. An amazing plot.6. With only compelting the main quest: At least 40 hours.7. Sub-quests: at least 3 in every city.Demo: There will be no demo. Or maybe tehre will be. Probably not. I hate demos...Project COmpletion: 0.8% (completeing storyline)
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
You are Squall! A lone wolf with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you may not communicate your feelings to your friends, but you are a true friend to those you are close to. In spite of your hesitance to warm up to people, you're likely one hot number in the eyes of the opposite sex.
Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!
You look like my grandmother.edit: when she was young. You don't look like you're 80.
Last night I had a dream that Zerlina and I were pirates. It was... beautiful.
Originally posted by YankeePaladinCareful about using a demon for the antagonist. In my experience, most people don't like demons because they are overused, and because they usually are very flat characters, as demons are always cast as inherently evil beings. In my opinion, the best villians are those that are either 1. "Disney" villains, or villains that are completely evil, but have some quirk or oddity that makes them interesting, such as Hades from the movie "Hercules"(Ok, the voice actor did the most to make this guy cool) or Kefka from FF6. 2. Human villains, or villains which are not completely evil. These villains are usually very deeply developed characters become bad through some experience, and sometimes retain some goodness in them, such as the Dark Lord Vader himself. There are probably other types you could use also, but you certainly might want to develop your villain a bit more