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I like the rape idea. If you can pull off the scene right you can make a nice scene that makes the player go "OMFG WHAT THE **** JUST HAPPENED?!" If you've played a few good horror games or Legion Saga 2, that's what I'm talking about.
Where is grandma? After witnessing an already decaying version of her daugher, why would she give up her grandchildren?
I also have a problem with the ages. Unless they had a lot of money, there is no way they could learn how to fight with those kinds of weapons. Even if it is cliche, could you bump them up a few years? The only time I liked playing as a kid was in the game Dragon Heart.
The emperor thing is a good idea. Keep it up.
Umm, am I the only one to see a problem here? A baby takes around 9 months after someone has sex to be born. So if she dies due to the rape, no baby. And if you never planned there to be a baby, I would find another way to kill her off besides rape. Maybe someone wanted to rape her, she resisted, bam, dead.
Game that starts with a rape... theres something original. Im liking, not too sure how good of a story can be made from where it leaves off though.
Originally posted by CoolZidaneDo you happen to need help with things like music?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Originally posted by Krazy Mc KrazedI think i'm going to like it here. Oh hi Zidane. Urmm I'll ask about music when I start mapping okay?If thats fine with you.
Originally posted by Meiscoolquote:Originally posted by CoolZidaneDo you happen to need help with things like music?Yeah, like a rape theme?
Baby, rape, die.