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Originally posted by Tomiquote:Originally posted by coasterkrazyIt's the end of the world!No, seriously, this summer is clearly proving all around the country the threat of the depletion of our ozone layer. One study suggested that if life continues exactly the way it is currently and nothing is done, Earth will be "unlivable" in 30 years. By "unlivable," it means that the cancer rate will be extremely high and much of the population will be wiped out.I'm sorry if this post was so pessimistic sounding, but the movie The Day After Tomorrow seems to almost be turning into reality now. I have a friend that has the nerve to say he doesn't believe that global warming exists and he has evidence to disprove it. I'm sorry, but no evidence is going to disprove weather charts and multiple studies to me, ESPECIALLY with how everyone can obviously see how weather patterns are changing.Another study suggests that the ozone could not completely heal itself until 2068, and that's most likely assuming that it starts healing now, which doesn't seem likely since conditions are only becoming worse. So... what can we do? The end of the world is as inevitable as puts it. There's no stopping it, but we can still work together to maximize the lifespan of the Earth, so that there may be generations to come. Personally, if nothing is done, I wouldn't want to put children/grandchildren/etc in this situation.Alternative fuel sources are pretty much one of the most needed things right now, although there haven't yet been any discovered to replace the ones we use every day. So, do we continue this way until we find one? That question was rhetorical. If you've read this post at all, you'd realize I'm thinking no, but I have no control over everyone, only my humble input. I have no solution to what will become of mass transit if we stop using these fuels. Please understand this post is merely meant to be informative and not some kind of godsend.Feel as you will on this subject. I just wanted to let everyone that I think society as a whole needs to take action.You know how we have ice ages and stuff? Yeah, this is the other peak. Its the natural cycle of the earth, at least thats what I think.
Originally posted by coasterkrazyquote:Originally posted by Tomiquote:Originally posted by coasterkrazyIt's the end of the world!No, seriously, this summer is clearly proving all around the country the threat of the depletion of our ozone layer. One study suggested that if life continues exactly the way it is currently and nothing is done, Earth will be "unlivable" in 30 years. By "unlivable," it means that the cancer rate will be extremely high and much of the population will be wiped out.I'm sorry if this post was so pessimistic sounding, but the movie The Day After Tomorrow seems to almost be turning into reality now. I have a friend that has the nerve to say he doesn't believe that global warming exists and he has evidence to disprove it. I'm sorry, but no evidence is going to disprove weather charts and multiple studies to me, ESPECIALLY with how everyone can obviously see how weather patterns are changing.Another study suggests that the ozone could not completely heal itself until 2068, and that's most likely assuming that it starts healing now, which doesn't seem likely since conditions are only becoming worse. So... what can we do? The end of the world is as inevitable as puts it. There's no stopping it, but we can still work together to maximize the lifespan of the Earth, so that there may be generations to come. Personally, if nothing is done, I wouldn't want to put children/grandchildren/etc in this situation.Alternative fuel sources are pretty much one of the most needed things right now, although there haven't yet been any discovered to replace the ones we use every day. So, do we continue this way until we find one? That question was rhetorical. If you've read this post at all, you'd realize I'm thinking no, but I have no control over everyone, only my humble input. I have no solution to what will become of mass transit if we stop using these fuels. Please understand this post is merely meant to be informative and not some kind of godsend.Feel as you will on this subject. I just wanted to let everyone that I think society as a whole needs to take action.You know how we have ice ages and stuff? Yeah, this is the other peak. Its the natural cycle of the earth, at least thats what I think.So you think pollutants are having no effect? That even though there are an estimated 1000 more cars on the road every day, and we are burning up natural resources faster than ever and creating the greenhouse effect, everthing is natural? It's good to be optomistic, so I'd hope you're right.@ Kijuki: Wha...!? Ahhhh! >.<
Originally posted by coasterkrazyIt's the end of the world!No, seriously, this summer is clearly proving all around the country the threat of the depletion of our ozone layer. One study suggested that if life continues exactly the way it is currently and nothing is done, Earth will be "unlivable" in 30 years. By "unlivable," it means that the cancer rate will be extremely high and much of the population will be wiped out.I'm sorry if this post was so pessimistic sounding, but the movie The Day After Tomorrow seems to almost be turning into reality now. I have a friend that has the nerve to say he doesn't believe that global warming exists and he has evidence to disprove it. I'm sorry, but no evidence is going to disprove weather charts and multiple studies to me, ESPECIALLY with how everyone can obviously see how weather patterns are changing.Another study suggests that the ozone could not completely heal itself until 2068, and that's most likely assuming that it starts healing now, which doesn't seem likely since conditions are only becoming worse. So... what can we do? The end of the world is as inevitable as puts it. There's no stopping it, but we can still work together to maximize the lifespan of the Earth, so that there may be generations to come. Personally, if nothing is done, I wouldn't want to put children/grandchildren/etc in this situation.Alternative fuel sources are pretty much one of the most needed things right now, although there haven't yet been any discovered to replace the ones we use every day. So, do we continue this way until we find one? That question was rhetorical. If you've read this post at all, you'd realize I'm thinking no, but I have no control over everyone, only my humble input. I have no solution to what will become of mass transit if we stop using these fuels. Please understand this post is merely meant to be informative and not some kind of godsend.Feel as you will on this subject. I just wanted to let everyone that I think society as a whole needs to take action.
Originally posted by RazorMmmm, Australian weather.Nice and cool here! Gotta love that winter. With tops of 20 degrees CELCIUS. Wowee. I sometimes put the heater on when I go to sleep.