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Originally posted by oooogquote:Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazakitheres proof tho that the world has gotten warmer in the last 100 years than in the last 1000 years (or some giant amount of years). Last 100 years = cars ships airplanes and industries came on heavely.It may not be that. It may be a coincidence. Perhaps the earth has gone on a teanie tiny tilt. A slight tilt can dirastically change the entire earth, so perhaps this was a slight slight tilt.(I'm merely starting a debate for fun. I also believe global warming is happening, but I also like to think of other possiblities)
Originally posted by SonicChaos7Industrial revolution started it. However, as the temperatures rise, we will adapt to the changes in temperature in order to survive.
Originally posted by GlitchCK, umm, i wasn't calling you a hippie because of your belief in Global warming, I was calling you a hippie because of how you were going about spreading the good word of the cult of Global Warming. (That was a joke) Seriously, you don't have to go all pessimistic end of the world on everyone, they were just talking about the heat, it's hot. Furthermore, I typically don't really care what Scientists tell me anymore, they contradict themselves often. (The biggest instance of course being that whole geocentric thing.) And I never said the world was "Pure". But I suppose you see all kind of words that aren't there when in the grip of your mind altering hippy drugs (That was a joke as well.) In all seriousnes, I don't know what made you think I thought the world was pure. I am just sick of being told what to believe by scientists. As far as I'm concerned if Global warming comes, whatever, people will find a way to survive. If you really want to stop Global Warming, go plug up all the volcanoes in the world, or better yet, stop whining about it on a forum and go out and be a productive member of society and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!For god's Sake, the world will Die from a SMUG overdose (South Park reference) long before Global Warming does. Oh, and next time you read a post that happens to have a decenting opinion, accept that people don't believe the same way as you, and try not to be such a whining little fragile ego'd pansy.I don't care if you respond, but I'm done with the argument, You're going to walk away with a smug sense of self satisfaction knowing that "You're Right" and get in your familys hybrid and enjoy the smell of each others farts as you talk about how right you are.
Originally posted by EXO MuffinAnother apocalyptic event, coming soon near youuuuu!(read as: in approximately 26 billion years), the magnetic polarities of the north and south pole will switcheroo!(Their magnetic because of the magnetite and such in the area between the mantle and the outer central core of the Earth is spinning in clockwise and counterclockwise directions through magma. They switch because the Earth will change it's axis, and thus, swirl the magma the other way.) Luckily, the human race will probably just last another 1000 years, due to the anti-ecoism growing. Spread the word of the hippies,if you wanna live!Did you know?:Microwave ovens cook with electromagnetic microscopic wavebeams(microwaves), which is controlled and amplified by radiation. You realize that it spreads dangerous radiation, like a nuclear warhead, right?
Originally posted by Kijuki_MagazakiAlpha particles? oooh *is amused and stuff*
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazakiquote:Originally posted by SonicChaos7Industrial revolution started it. However, as the temperatures rise, we will adapt to the changes in temperature in order to survive.Econimically and techlogically speaking, some of the world, not all of it. at least not the 3 billions half that are waaay poorer than the other half.And if you talk about evolution wise, I don't really see that point, cause i believe humans live differently than most animals (and they do) that must adapt to world changes, and on my opinion humans cannot at all evolve effectivly cause of that, at least not anymore.It is more likely for humanity to seclude itself from going out to a hotter earth, thus not adapting, than to go outside and try to adapt to the heat. And I see that as a fact.Humans yet being one of the smartest species are also one of the dumbest. Sadly.
Originally posted by DarkFlood2Alpha particles are chunks of whatever radioactive material released them. They are usually helium and are blocked by the skin.On topic: While we can't be sure that global warming is happening, We know that all of those gasses and whatnot can't be good.