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Originally posted by aboutasoandthisIf the download size isn't too big (No more than 10 Megabytes), I'll test it if you want me to. I don't know how fast my computer is, so I'll say this...Meis's game lags but is completely playable on my computer.I'm reasonably good at scripting. You should know. Plus everything in my DBS is built like a CBS. Every single action in my game is set off by a switch. I'm not using the normal battle mechanics. I might be able to help.If you're interested, I'd love to beta test. Besides, I REALLY want to see if it can compare to my DBS. I've figured out how to do half of the features you have, since I was mad that you didn't make a 4 person party. :pEDIT-Thanks DarkFlood2. I found out I don't have DirectX. I found my system specs.I warn you, I found out I have a ssslllooowww computer compared to the ones above, even though I don't know computers.AMD Duron Processor CPU802.2 MHz CPU Speed512 MB RAMATI RADEON VE DDRI'm getting a faster computer soon.
Originally posted by OsmosePS: Darkflood's CPU is actually better than yours, DB. EDIT: Well, actually, AMD's cycle is a bit faster, so it's not THAT much faster, but since RAM wouldn't affect the CBS insofar that RPG Maker will not use enough RAM to see a difference above 512 megs, he won't be able to give you the low tech tests you wanted. Although I kinda wish I had a 3 gighz processor.
I can't find any lag at all.. Although I'd probably want to increase the running speed to the monster.