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I didnt breach anything.I told you some things you're going to NEED to brush up on, before you go about making a system like this.If someone tells youMAKE A COMMON EVENT WITH A SWITCH THAT WILL SET VARIABLEX to the Value of VARIABLE_RANGE WITH BLAH BLAH BLAHthen youre not going to know how to use the system enough to tweak it to your needs.Dont be a whiny beatch because i told you you need to learn something before you go about this system.It would be different if you asked for help after giving an example of the system youve mapped out thus far. You havent even tried, youve asked us to program it for you.Grow uppeinis
My newest game: NeoLith is having some troubles. Those troubles are:I don't have a fighting system.Or a shooting system.OR a crosshair system.Can anyone help?