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Obviously, no. We've given up on Fisherson finishing his part long ago.
Sorry guys. -_-'' I'll get back to work soon. I would have gotten it done sooner, but I've had zero energy lately. Could be all the RPing on MSN late at night, could be staying up till 11 in the morning watching Star I found out I have to only play computer in two hour seasons because of my weak eyes and TMJ. If I don't it can ruin my health. One thing she said was if I keep playing as long as I do I could go blind. O_O
You've had MONTHS. Finish it up. Normally I'd care, but you've had MONTHS. Though I'm not a part of this, I would like to see it finished, so get in gear, young jedi!
I really don't have anything to do with this (besides having a desire to play it), but if Fisherson can't do it, why not just give the chapter to the next guy on the list?
Maybe like 2 bluhman weeks of work or 12 lucas_irineu months of work.
You know what. I'm sick and tired of saying this....I HAD to work, I didn't want to be a ****ing gardener for ****ing rich pepole, but I had to! I realy LOVED being out in the ****ing heat! Furthermore I oh so enjoyed having to pick the weeds by hand and not get any outside of their flowerbeds. Greatest time in my life!! Woo ****ing hoo! Now get off my damn case. >_< You've pushed me as far as I'll go. I sacriced time with my freinds and family to try and finish your game, so shut it. I'm going to finish it. I can't say when as now my TMJ is acting up....which if not treated right will leave me in pain for the rest of my life. I'm still paying for my dad's funeral for crying out lound and he has no tomb stone yet! ;_: I got enought ****ing problems without this.
So if you can't wait Bluhman, fine, I'll send you the uncompleted, worthless file and then in 5 months let's see if you finish it and the I'lLL start hammering on YOU, for not having the time.
If I didn't love Charas and this game, I would have quit a long time ago.