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That's cause the Aztecs predicted that
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Originally posted by AsakuraHao2004Bla bla bla the world will end December 3rd, 2012 by some unknown means.Bla bla bla...
Originally posted by Moosetroop11You don't need to worry about the end of the world, us humans have only existed for the blink of an eye. We think we're so important, but we're nothing. We'll be gone in less than a million years, killed by an ice age or something. Most of the time, I don't think of myself as human, I'm observing the Earth and all the fools who think their life is so essential.Comets and Meteorites... Without Jupiter we'd already have been hit by millions of these... Jupiter's massive gravitational pull acts as a sheild for us.And I've heard some people saying when the Sun blows up, our galaxy will end... wtf? Our Solar system will end, but that's it. Don't you pay attention in science?