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The real Charas

What was the purpose of the Charas-Project?

by Gary Kertopermono

When I was just around Charas was just made. Funny, isn’t it? It was only a few months (perhapse just two months) after Charas was made. There was only one fully functioning generator (the charset generator), a beta of the faceset generator and a forum. Now Charas has grown to a real RPG Maker site. But people seem to forget one thing: the real reason why Charas was made.

This question was first raised after the conflict with RRWP. Alex explained what Charas was. Charas isn’t the forum, or the fact that it creates RPG Maker resources. Of course, we all create resources on Charas to be used in RPG Maker, or for some, Game Maker. But what Charas really is all about was something only Alex hadn’t forgotten. Yes, even I had forgotten what Charas was all about, until RRWP came.
What happened during the whole conflict with RRWP wasn’t nice, but it also made me think. Why am I still on Charas? Why didn’t I just left? What did I have to search on Charas? Now it seems that the main purpose of Charas is to host as many RPG Maker resources on the site. Originally I wasn’t happy with the addition of the Complete Resources, and to tell you the truth, I still think it was a bad idea. Charas originally was just a resource maker site, where we all could be creative. Yes, be creative, and that’s not what’s happening with the Complete Resources. I was happy with the addition of the Battlechar generator, because it could bring out more generator resources, it could show the creativity of the spriters on the forum. But I was wrong. Horribly wrong. From the more than 10,000 users only a hundred really sprite, and half of them aren’t around anymore. The rest just share complete resources, or are only on the forums to make demands or ‘requests’. Even the Charas Resource Contest couldn’t change that.
But what was the real purpose of the Charas-Project? Surely it wasn’t made to share a billion complete resources, it wasn’t made to talk about anything on the forums, hell, it wasn’t even made for RPG Maker. There was only one purpose.

For people to work on the ultimate thing.
For bonding because people help each other.

For brotherhood.

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