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The first Community Contest is here!

You know, there are so many RPGM communityes on the net, and each has it's own contests.
Would't be fun, for one time, to have a contest where paticipants are not user but Communities themselves?
If you're interested in knowing deeper all the thing, read here

How to join and deadlines

The subscription phase will end on May 30, 2004.
The contest itself will officially begin on June 1, 2004.
Deadline of the contest is March 30, 2005
If you're the webmaster/administrator of a community and you'd like to join the competition, just write to me:
  • Email subject: Community Contest subscription
  • Email body: Your name and your Community name
When done, please post a news or something about the contest on your Community homepage.
This to permit me to verify you're relly the Wabmaster/Admin of something (and to inform your users too, of course!) ;)
I will post Communities names and links down here when i'll receive subscriptions.
If you have any comments/suggestions, post them here or write to me.

Rules for the first "Community Contest"

It is a free competition, open to any community who'd like to join.
  • Each community has to develop a game.
  • The language has to be english.
  • The game has to be a Role Playing Game.
  • There's no limitation on subjects/styles.
  • Every resource (charasets, backgrounds, musics, ecc...) must be originally made by a member of the community.
  • Rips, editings, ecc... are NOT ALLOWED
  • The storyline has to be original too: fangames ore continues of other games are NOT ALLOWED.
  • It's allowed to use non original charasets for "mass usage" (peoples on the street and similar) and sound effects, but not for main characters, musics, chipsets and so on.
  • The game must be packed completely: users have not to have RTP or other resource package installed.
  • Everything which is needed for the game must be packed within the game itself, including the executables.

Allowed developement tools

The game MUST be created with a free or shareware tool.
For example, allowed tools may be:
GameMaker, Sphere, AGS, ecc...
The use of commercial/illegal tools is NOT ALLOWED.

A note about RPGMaker2k/2k3 usage

2k/2k3 legal situation is something really unclear for most of us:
someone thinks it's ok to use them both;
someone thinks it's NOT ok to use them both;
someone thinks using 2k is ok while 2k3 could put all of us in troubles;

But, at the end, the real main differences between 2k/2k3 are:
- the lateral BS;
- more frames of different size for the characters;
In one word, what can be done with 2k3 can be done also with 2k with some more coding and less detailed charasets.

Considering this, i truly think 2k3 developers can create they're works also with 2k without great problems.
So, to avoid any possible troubles, i ask 2k3 users to use only 2k for this contest, in respect to all of the participants which have different ideas on this subject.

Judgement system

At the end of the contest, every community has to choose 5-10 users.
These users have to rate all the games, including the one created by their own community.
The final results will be the average of all ratings.
The rate range is 0-100, and has to come with comments on it.


Oh well...
Sincerely i still don't know what, i will probably update this section in the future.
Of course any suggestion from subscribed Admins is welcome!
Probably a good page with reviews, developement stages used, game downloads and everything else related to what we will done (and posted or linked in all of the subscriber's sites) will do the task.
The target is to create, evenif winning is not bad too! ;)


Suggested prize from Twin Sword Gaming
The winner may choose out of these 3 prizes:
- 50 resources for each member
- Custom forums (Custom forums programmed specifically for that site)
- Custom website (A site programmed to the likings of the webmaster)

Subscribed Communities
