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Íà Ãëàâíóþ


The SaveVenice area... What is this?

As many of you knows, i live in Venice, Italy. In these last years, my City is crumbling.
Yes, not sinking, as many of you may think: CRUMBLING.
There are proofs that this happens because of the diesel/gas oil engines usage within the city itself.
In one word, these marine engines are CRUMBLING Venice.
To know WHY and HOW, here you can find the step by step process: you'll see the problem by yourself.

Gary sent me an email with suggestions on how to build this page.
And he also sent me some "FAQs" I'd like to answer to here:
  • What are the consequences?
      Venice will return to it's first mud face.
  • How many people will loose their home?
      Almost everyone who lives in old houses (at least 60-70% of Venice, minimum).
  • What famous work will get lost?
      All the buildings, bridges, statues and everything built with stone.
      About paints and similar stuffs, it depends on "will they be inside those buildings or not?"
  • What does Venice have to offer that will get lost when we don't do something about it?
      The city itself: no one will like to walk through stone downfalls and "modern" ruins.
      Moreover, peoples generally think at Venice as "Palazzo Ducale", "Rialto's Bridge",
      "St. Mark Cathedral", etc...
      But Venice is different: it is all a monument, there are no heavy phisycal (material, stone)
      differences between "official" monuments and "normal" city.

I'd like to quote some parts of Gary's mail again:

Maybe this sounds a bit useless, people think: "It's far away, I don't live in Venice."
But then you can say: "What if it would happen to you? What if the dykes of Holland are
collapsing because of human activities, what if Callifornia is having a big earthquake
because of drillings in the breachline?"
Lots of art will get lost, but most of all, many people will lose their homes.
It's time to spread the word trough the world.
Let people understand that it's time to think for ourself now.
We look too much to the poorer countries, while the Western world is falling too.
It's time to reallize that.
And with that I conclude. Let the Charas community think of a sollution to stop the engines.
There are other ways.
Save Venice.

Íà Ãëàâíóþ