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The step by step process

  • Marine engines has not catalytic mufflers as cars does;
  • The sulphur emissions are, obviously, much higher than for cars;
  • Result of this is the air is full of sulphur dioxide (sulphurous anhydride);
  • Definition: CALCITE - it is crystalline calcium carbonate (CaCO3);
  • Venice is built mainly with "Istria's stones", very rich of CALCITE veins;
  • Without these veins stones lacks coesion, becoming a sort of "rock mosaic";
  • So without these veins, stones will FALL or become really UNSTALBE (physically, i mean);
  • A formula:
      SO2 + H2O = H2SO3
      H2SO3 + 1/2 O2 = H2SO4
      H2SO4 + CaCO3 + H2O = CaSO4 x 2 H2O + CO2
  • The forumla translated:
      sulphur dioxide + water = sulphurous acid
      sulphurous acid + Oxigen = sulphuric acid
      sulphuric acid + calcium carbonate + water = chalk + carbonic anhydride
  • The carbonic anhydride is a gas, so it will "fly away";
  • So: marine engines and their sulphur emissions transforms CALCITE into CHALK;
  • Umidity (water in the air) and rain dissolves the chalk;
  • Istria's stone becomes "rock mosaics", because the sulphur destroy it's CALCITE veins;

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